The Martin Jetpack is a personal helicopter. Its tradename calls it a "jet pack", but is not jet- or rocket-powered. It has been developed by Martin Aircraft Co. of New Zealand and was unveiled on July 29, 2008 at the Experimental Aircraft Association's 2008 AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, USA. It is classified by the Federal Aviation Administration as an experimental ultralight airplane.
Unlike earlier devices called "jetpacks", the Martin Jetpack is the first to be considered a practical device. It has been under development for over 27 years and uses a gasoline (premium) engine with two ducted fans to provide lift. Theoretically it can reach a speed of 60 miles per hour, an altitude of 8,000 feet, and fly for about 30 minutes on a full fuel tank. It costs about $100,000. Martin Aircraft plans to deliver the first ten units in 2009
Martin Jetpack, the personal flying machine, has been carried out with some refinement over the past nine months. And it’s claimed to be ready to go on sale some time this year.
This jetpack has been improved for better accuracy in control. It’s now said to be able to fly for 30 minutes at 60 mph and travel a distance of 8,000 feet. These figures are much better than what were disclosed last year.
You don’t need a pilot licence to fly the Martin’s Jetpack. It has only two primary controls: left joystick controls pitch and roll, right joystick controls yaw and throttle. It runs on standard auto fuel. Each unit costs a whopping $100,000, and Martin is targeting to get first 10 units to go on sale sometime this year. A video clip is attached below to refresh your memory about the Jetpack.
One of mankind's most adored gadgets (yes, the jetpack) is moving one step closer to mainstream today with the unveiling of the Martin Jetpack. Revealed in front of a crowd in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, this human transporter is technically defined by the FAA as an "experimental ultralight airplane, equipped with a gas-powered, V-4 piston engine and two ducted fans that provide the lift." Currently, the $100,000 machine can only hover for around 30 minutes and rise to 8,000 feet, and those who sign up to purchase one will first have to complete 15 hours of flight training as well as a "safety screening." Check out an all-too-short video after the jump to see the device lift off, float around and land -- totally underwhelming, but the optimistic few will surely see promise

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