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Long Neck Woman only in Burma

Have you heard about a Kayan Tribes in Burma?? we don't know if there are kind of this things occur in our world, usually Women of the various Kayan tribes identify themselves by their different form of dress. The Kayan Lahwi tribe are the most renowned as they wear ornaments known as neck rings, brass coils that are placed around the neck. These coils are first applied to young girls when they are around five years old.. Read it more and also see the picture of Long Neck Woman only in burma

The Kayan are a group of the Karenni people, a Tibeto-Burman ethnic minority of Burma (Myanmar).One of the first occurrences of the name Kayan is in Khin Maung Nyunt The Ka-yans (White Karen) of the Pinlong District (1967), but he refers not to Padaungs, but to White Karens. In The Hardy Padaungs (1967) the same author says that Padaung prefer to be called Kayan

According to Kayan tradition the Kayan settled in the Demawso area of Karenni State (Kayah State) in 739 BC. Today they are to be found in Karenni (Kayah) State around Demawso and Loikow, in the southern region of Shan State and in Mandalay’s Pyinmana and Karen’s Than Daung township.

There are three Kayan villages in Mae Hong Son province in Thailand. The largest is Huay Pu Keng, on the Pai river, close to the Thai Burma border. Huai Seau Tao is a commercial village opened in 1995. Many of the residents of Nai Soi Kayan Tayar moved into the Karenni refugee camp in September 2008, but a few families remain there.

Most of the Kayan people in Mae Hong Son are formerly from nine villages in Karenni State. The majority are from Rwan Khu and Daw Kee village. The people of Huay Pu Keng are mainly from Lay Mile village.

"When I was young, I wanted to wear the rings and keep my own tradition. In one way, I feel sad (that I've taken them off) but now I go to the city, no one cares, no one stares," she said. "The people who control us say if the people see us in the town, they won't pay to see us (in the village)." Riding motorbikes, a common, inexpensive form of transport, is also frowned upon because the Thais who control the long-neck villages say: "It's not part of your culture"


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