Enjoy your lunch here, in the middle of the sea, must be great to have lunch there..
India - Give Milk to Rats

We don't know what's this mean?? are they keep this rat as a pet?? there's so many of rats there
Indonesian Special Railway

Look at this picture, how can indonesian people build a store in a railway??? they don't think about their lives, and because of that the trains can't go faster than 5mph.
Sombrero Hat for your Little Head

Hehehehe... you know about sombrero hat?? those hat are belongs to Mexican people.. look at those man, he use two sombrero hat, one for his upper head, and one for his lower head
Texas Cow Wash

Wow.. this is crazy... are these a car wash?? or a cow wash place??
Cambodian New Boat

Nice innovation of a new boat.. he use a bucket for his boat.. very creative
China Extreme Sleep

Are these guy a Shaolin disciple?? how can he do that?? he can keep his balance on that...
Russian Unique Street Lamp

Who is the architect of this street lamp?? this is really really great..
Vietnam Special Pedicab

Have you seen this kind of pedicab before?? this is really amazing concept.. he use a back part of a car..
Wanna see another from each country uniqueness?? you'll like this one, this is about Racing style in each country
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