Like we know that tomorrow are the inauguration day for the new president of america, Barrack Husein Obama, we hope that obama as the new american number 1 man, could solve many problems that occur in USA now, such as the economic problems..
"When Barack raises his hand, every black person in the nation should raise their hand because there's a new sense of pride that we have in being an American that we've never had before," said Lawrence Carter, dean of the Martin Luther King International Chapel at Atlanta's Morehouse College.
For black Americans, the moment is particularly poignant.
"When Barack raises his hand, every black person in the nation should raise their hand because there's a new sense of pride that we have in being an American that we've never had before," said Lawrence Carter, dean of the Martin Luther King International Chapel at Atlanta's Morehouse College.
The African-American journey from slavery to freedom, through segregation and lynching to civil rights and the vote, some political power and finally the presidency is told as a triumph of hope over adversity.
African slaves first came to America in 1619 and nearly 200 years later their descendants, still enslaved, helped construct two of the nation's most treasured buildings, the White House and the U.S. Capitol.
In some respects, Obama's heritage places him outside the mainstream of African-American experience. His father came to the United States as a foreign student and Obama's understanding of his own racial identity evolved through his youth
Barrack Obama as the New American Superheroes
26 July 2010
26 July 2010
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